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Series 1000 - Board of Directors

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Series 1000 - Board of Directors

1000 - Legal Status and Operation

Policy: 1000
Section: 1000 - Board of Directors

Legal Status and Operation

Legal Status

The board of directors of the Kiona-Benton City School District is the corporate entity established by the state of Washington to plan and direct all aspects of the district's operations to the end that students will have ample opportunity to achieve their individual and collective learning needs.

The policies of the board define the organization of the board and its manner of conducting official business. The board's operating policies are those that the board adopts from time to time to facilitate the performance of its responsibilities.


The corporate name of this school district is Kiona-Benton City School District No. 52, Benton County, state of Washington. The district is classified as a second class district and is operated in accordance with the laws and regulations pertaining to second class districts.

In order to achieve its primary goal of providing each child with the necessary skills and attitudes, commensurate with his/her ability, to become effective citizens, the board will exercise the full authority granted to it by the laws of the state. Its legal powers, duties and responsibilities are derived from state statute and regulation. Sources such as the school code (Title 28A RCW), attorney general's opinions, regulations of the State Board of Education (Title 180 WAC), and the State Superintendent of Public Instruction (Title 392 WAC) delineate the legal powers, duties, and responsibilities of the board.

Number of Members and Terms of Office

The board will consist of five members, elected by ballot by the registered voters of the district. Except as otherwise provided by law, board members will hold office for terms of four years and until their successors are elected and qualified. Terms of board members will be staggered as provided by law.

Newly-elected directors will take office at the first official meeting of the board of directors after the election results have been certified by the county auditor. Prior to beginning their term, directors will take and subscribe to an oath of office.

Cross References: 1111 - Oath of Office
Legal References:

RCW 28A.150.230 Basic Education Act  – District school directors’ responsibilities

RCW 28A.300.065 Classification and numbering system of school districts

RCW 28A.315.035 Organization of school districts

RCW 28A.320.010 Corporate powers

RCW 28A.320.040 Directors – Bylaws for board and school government

RCW 28A.343.300 Director —Terms — Numbers

RCW 28A.343.320 Directors — Declarations of candidacy – Positions as separate offices

RCW 28A.343.330 Directors — Ballots — Form

RCW 28A.320.020 Liability for debts and judgments

RCW 28A.343.360 Directors — Oath of Office

RCW 29A.20.030 Local officers, beginning of terms – Organization of district boards of directors

RCW 29A.20.040 Local elected officials, commencement of term of office - Purpose


Adoption Date: 12.20.99

Kiona-Benton City School District
Classification: Priority
Revised Dates: 11.9.15

1005 - Key Functions of the Board

Policy: 1005
Section: 1000 - Board of Directors

Key Functions of the Board

Acting on behalf of the people of each community, the school board will fulfill the following functions:

Responsible Governance:

The board, with participation by the community, will envision the future of the school district's educational program and formulate goals, define outcomes and set the course for the school district. This will be done within the context of racial, ethnic and religious diversity and with a commitment to education excellence and equity for all students.

Creating Conditions for Student and Staff Success:

To achieve the vision, the board will establish a structure which reflects local circumstances and creates an environment designed to ensure all students the opportunity to attain their maximum potential through a sound organizational framework. This includes employing a superintendent, developing and approving policies, formulating budgets, setting high instructional and learning goals for staff and students, and nurturing a climate conducive to continuous improvement.

High Expectations for Student Learning:

The board will continuously articulate the belief that all students can learn and that each student’s learning can improve regardless of existing circumstances or resources. The board will act as leaders of a vision of shared learning that is supported by individual schools and the community.

Accountability for Student Learning:

​The board's accountability for student learning will include adopting a system of continuous assessment of all conditions affecting education, including assessments for measuring staff and student progress towards goals. The public will be kept informed about programs and progress. Staff and board training will be provided to ensure continuous improvement of student achievement.

Community Engagement:

The board will serve as education's key advocate on behalf of students and their schools. The board will work to advance the community's vision for its schools, pursue the district's goals, encourage progress and energize systemic change and ensure that students are treated as whole persons in a diversified society.

Cross References:

1820 - Board Self-Assessment

1810 - Annual Governance Goals and Objectives

1310 - Policy Adoption, Manuals and Administrative Procedures

0700 - Plan Evaluation

0300 - Planning Process

0100 - Commitment to Planning

Management Resources: Policy News, February 2012, Model Policies Aligned with Washington School Board Standards (Adopted June 27, 2009)


Adoption Date: 11.9.15

Kiona-Benton City School District
Classification: Discretionary
Revised Dates:

1110 - Election

Policy: 1110
Section: 1000 - Board of Directors


Board elections will be held on the Tuesday following the first Monday in November of odd-numbered years.

A person is legally qualified to become a board member who is a United States citizen and a qualified voter resident in the school district and appropriate director district, if any.

A person may become a candidate for a place on the board by filing a declaration of candidacy with the county auditor during the May filing period, as prescribed by law. If the school district includes territory in two or more counties, the declaration of candidacy will be filed with the county auditor of the county designated by the Superintendent of Public Instruction as the county to which the district belongs, pursuant to RCW 28A.323.040.

In the event that there are more than two candidates for any position on the board, a primary election will be held on the first of August in the manner prescribed by law. The two candidates receiving the greatest number of votes will appear on the election ballot in November.

If, prior to the first day of the regular filing period, a vacancy occurs in a school director position that is not scheduled to appear on the general election ballot, leaving an unexpired term for which a successor must be elected at the next general election, filings for that position will be accepted during the regular filing period. The filing officer will provide notice of the vacancy and filing period to newspapers, radio, and television in the county, and online. The position will appear on the primary and general election ballots unless no primary is required.

If, on the first day of the regular filing period or later, a vacancy occurs in a school director position that is not scheduled to appear on the general election ballot leaving an unexpired term, the election of the successor will occur at the next succeeding general election that the office is allowed by law to have an election.

If, following the regular filing period and deadline to withdraw, but prior to the day for the primary, a void in candidacy occurs, the filing officer will reopen the filing period of three normal business days. The filing officer will provide notice of the special filing period to newspapers, radio, and television in the county, and online. The candidate receiving a plurality of the votes cast for that school director in the general election is deemed elected.

Cross References:

1610 – Conflicts of Interest

1114 – Board Member Resignation and Vacancy

Legal References:

RCW 28A.323.040 Joint school districts — Designation of county to which joint school district belongs

RCW 28A.343.300 Directors — Terms — Numbers

RCW 28A.343.320 Declarations of candidacy — Positions as separate offices

RCW 28A.343.330 Ballots — Form

RCW 28A.343.340 When elected — Eligibility

RCW 29A.04.151 Residence

RCW 29A.24.141 Void in candidacy

RCW 29A.24.181 Regular filing period – Voids in candidacy

RCW 29A.24.191 Scheduled election lapses, when

RCW 29A.52.210

RCW 42.12.010 Causes of vacancy

Management Resources:

2011 – August Issue

Policy News, October 2006 Changes in Election Law


Adoption Date: 12.20.99

Kiona-Benton City School District
Classification: Discretionary
Revised Dates: 08.10.15

1111 - Oath of Office

Policy: 1111
Section: 1000 - Board of Directors

Oath of Office

According to statutory provision, each new director will take an oath or affirmation to support the constitutions of the United States and the state of Washington and to promote the interests of education and to faithfully discharge the duties of his/her office to the best of his/her ability. A school district officer or notary public authorized to administer oaths must certify to this oath and the signature of the member. After properly completed, the oath of office will be filed with the county auditor.

Legal References: RCW 28A.343.360 Oath of office


Adoption Date: 12.20.99

Kiona-Benton City School District
Classification: Discretionary
Revised Dates: 08.10.15

1112 - Director Orientation

Policy: 1112
Section: 1000 - Board of Directors

Director Orientation

The board will help newly-elected or appointed directors to understand the policies and procedures of the board. To facilitate this process, new directors will be provided with:

  1. WSSDA publications (e.g. Evaluation of School Personnel, Open Public Meetings, Conflict of Interest, Washington School Board Standards, Serving on Your Local School Board, The Basics of School Law, and Parliamentary Procedure);
  2. Goals for the school district and strategic plan, if developed;
  3. Board policies and administrative procedures;
  4. Student rights, responsibilities and conduct;
  5. District staff handbook;
  6. Student and staff handbooks from individual schools;
  7. Collective bargaining agreements;
  8. District and school budget;
  9. Financial status reports (most recent copies);
  10. Board minutes (past year);
  11. Achievement test results and relevant data for evaluating student learning; and
  12. Staff member job descriptions.

The board chair, or a designee, and the superintendent will assist each new director in the review of these materials and will review the role and function of the various administrators employed by the district. The superintendent will also clarify, as per district policy, how to: (1) arrange for visits of school or administrative offices; (2) request information regarding school operations; (3) respond to a complaint concerning staff or program; and (4) handle confidential information.

Directors will be encouraged to attend meetings, workshops and conferences to increase their knowledge and competencies.


Adoption Date: 12.20.99

Kiona-Benton City School District
Classification: Discretionary
Revised Dates: 08.10.15

1113 - Board Member Residency

Policy: 1113
Section: 1000 - Board of Directors

Board Member Residency

A school director must remain a resident of the school district to be eligible to continue to serve as a school board member. If a director’s residence changes to a place outside the district, the director must resign and his/her eligibility to serve ends with the change of residence.

If a director is required to live within a specific director area of the district in order to be elected or appointed to the school board, and the director’s residence changes to a place outside the director area, but within the district, the director may continue to serve on the school board until the next regular school district election (the fall of odd numbered years).  At that time, an election will be held to fill the board position for the director area in which the director no longer resides. If the change of residence occurs after the filing period for the regular school district election, but before the election, and the director is in the first two years of his/her term, he/she may continue to serve from a residence outside the director area, but within the district, until the end of the term he/she was elected to.

If a director’s director area boundaries are redrawn during his/her term of office, the director may serve out the remainder of his/her term.

Cross References:

1114 - Board Member Resignation and Vacancy

1110 - Election

1105 - Director Districts

Legal References:

RCW 28A.343.340 When elected — Eligibility

RCW 28A.343.350 Residency

RCW 29A.04.151 Residence

RCW 29A.76.010  Counties, municipal corporations, and special purpose districts

RCW 42.12.010 Causes of vacancy

AGO 1975 No. 8 Vacancy upon voluntary change of residence out of director district (note modification by 1999 amendment codified as RCW 28A.343.350)


Adoption Date: 12.20.99

Kiona-Benton City School District
Classification: Discretionary
Revised Dates: 08.10.15

1114 - Board Member Resignation

Policy: 1114
Section: 1000 - Board of Directors

Board Member Resignation and Vacancy


Upon receipt of a director's written resignation, the board will acknowledge and announce the resignation at its next regularly scheduled meeting. The resignation will be effective immediately unless otherwise stated. If a future date is stated, the resignation may be withdrawn any time prior to the effective date.

Board members who have resigned may not vote on the selection of their replacement.


In case of a board vacancy, the remaining board members will fill such vacancy by appointment. The board will receive applications from any qualified persons seeking to fill the position after suitable public notice. Interviews of candidates for vacant positions will take place in a meeting open to the public. The board will appoint one of the candidates to serve until the next regularly scheduled board election, at which time a director will be elected for the unexpired term, if any.

The appointment will be approved, by roll call vote, by not less than three members of the board. If there exists fewer than three members, the educational service district board members will appoint a sufficient number to constitute a legal majority of the board. Should the board fail to fill a vacancy within ninety (90) days from the creation of such vacancy, the educational service district board members will fill such vacancy. Appointees will be United States citizens and qualified voter residents of the school district and appropriate director district, if any.

Cross References: 1450 - Absence of a Board Member
Legal References:

RCW 28A.310.030 ESD Board – Membership – Board member district boundaries

RCW 28A.330.020 Certain board elections, manner and vote required – Selection of personnel, manner  

RCW 28A.343.370 Vacancies

RCW 29A.04.151 Residence

RCW 42.30.110(h)Executive sessions

Management Resources:   2009 – June Issue


Adoption Date: 12.20.99

Kiona-Benton City School District
Classification: Discretionary
Revised Dates: 08.10.15

1210 - Board of Directors

Policy: 1210
Section: 1000 - Board of Directors

Annual Organizational Meeting

At the first regular meeting at which newly-elected board members are seated in election years and at the first regular meeting in December in non-election years, the board will elect from among its members a president and a vice president to serve one-year terms. In even numbered years a WSSDA legislative representative will be elected to serve a two-year term. Officers will not be elected following the appointment of a director to fill a vacancy on the board unless a majority of the board is appointed.

If a board member is unable to continue to serve as an officer, a replacement will be elected immediately. In the absence of both the chair/president and the vice president, the board will elect a president pro tempore who will perform the functions of the chair/president during the latter’s absence.

The superintendent will act as board secretary and perform all the duties as outlined by law. In order to provide a record of the proceedings of each meeting of the board, the superintendent will appoint a recording secretary of the board.

In even-numbered years, a WIAA representative will be elected to serve a two-year term.

The normal order of business will be modified for the annual organizational meeting by considering the following matters, after the approval of the minutes of the previous meeting:

  1. Welcome and introduction of newly elected board members by the chair/president;  
  2. Call for nominations for chair/president to serve during the ensuing year;  
  3. Election of a chair/president (roll call vote);  
  4. Assumption of office by the new chair/president;  
  5. Call for nominations for vice chair/president to serve during the ensuing year; and  
  6. Election of a vice chair/president (roll call vote).

Policies will continue from year to year and board to board until and unless the board changes them.


Legal References:

RCW 28A.330.010 Board president, vice-president or president pro tempore — Secretary

RCW 28A.330.020 Certain board elections, manner and vote required — Selection of personnel, manner

RCW 28A.330.050 Duties of superintendent as secretary of the board

RCW 28A.400.030 Superintendent’s duties

RCW 29A.20.040 Local elected officials, commencement of term of office — Purpose

 Adoption Date: 12.20.99

Kiona-Benton City School District

Classification: Discretionary

Revised Dates: 08.15; 12.18

1220 - Board Offices and Duties of Board Members

Policy: 1220
Section: 1000 - Board of Directors

Board Officers and Duties of Board Members


The Chair presides at all meetings of the board and signs all papers and documents as required by law or as authorized by action of the board. The Chair conducts the meetings in the manner prescribed by the board’s policies. The Chair has the full right to participate in all aspects of board action without relinquishing the chair, including the right to vote on all matters put to a vote.

It is the responsibility of the board Chair to manage the board’s deliberation so that it will be clear, concise, and directed to the issue at hand; to summarize discussion and/or action before moving on to the next agenda item; and to generally manage the meeting so that the agenda is treated in an expeditious manner.

The Chair will be the official recipient of correspondence directed to the board and will provide, or cause to be provided to other board members and the superintendent, copies of the correspondence received on behalf of the board.

The Chair is authorized to consult with the superintendent on issues such as board meeting, study session and board retreat planning prior to presentation to the full board and perform tasks to facilitate board meetings.

In dealing with the media and the public in general, the Chair or his/her designee will serve as the spokesperson of the board. The chair/president is authorized to report and discuss those actions which have been taken and those decisions made by the board as a body. The chair/president will avoid speculating upon actions or decisions which the board may take but has not yet taken.

The Chair will confer with the superintendent regarding sensitive issues which need immediate attention. When appropriate, he/she will confer with individual board members when other opinions should be sought.


Officers of the Board: Vice Chair/President

The vice chair/president will preside at board meetings in the absence of the chair/president and will perform all of the duties of the chair/president in case of his/her absence or disability.


Legislative Representative

A legislative representative serves as the board’s liaison with the Washington State School Directors’ Association Legislative Assembly. The legislative representative will assume office July 1st in an even year for a two-year period. The legislative representative will attend Washington State School Directors’ Association Assemblies, conveying local views and concerns to that body and participating in the formulation of state legislative programs. The legislative representative will monitor proposed school legislation and inform the board of the issues.


Duties of Individual Board Members

The authority of individual board members is limited to participating in actions taken by the board as a whole when legally in session. Board members will not assume responsibilities of administrators or other staff members. The board or staff will not be bound in any way by any action taken or statement made by any individual board member except when such statement or action is pursuant to specific instructions and official action taken by the board.

Each board member will review the agenda and any study materials distributed prior to the meeting and be prepared to participate in the discussion and decision-making for each agenda item.

Each member is obligated to attend board meetings regularly. Whenever possible, each director will give advance notice to the president or superintendent of his/her inability to attend a board meeting. A majority of the board may excuse a director’s absence from a meeting if requested to do so. The board may declare a board member’s position vacant after four consecutive unexcused absences from regular board meetings.

Cross References: 1450 – Absence of a Board Member
Legal References:

RCW 28A.330.030 Duties of president

RCW 28A.330.040 Duties of vice-president

RCW 28A.330.080 Payment of claims — Signing of warrants

RCW 28A.330.200 Organization of the board – Assumption of superintendent’s duties by board member, when

RCW 28A.343.390 Quorum — Failure to attend meetings

Management Resources: Policy News, December 2007 Role of the School Board President


Adoption Date: 12.20.99

Kiona-Benton City School District
Classification: Discretionary
Revised Dates: 08.10.15

1310 - Policy Adoption, Manuals and Administrative Procedures

Policy: 1310
Section: 1000 - Board of Directors

Policy Adoption, Manuals and Administrative Procedures

Policy Adoption

Proposed new policies and proposed changes in existing policies will be presented in writing for reading and discussion. Unless it is deemed by the board that immediate action would be in the best interests of the district, the final vote for adoption will take place not earlier than the next succeeding regular or special board meeting. Any written statement by any person relative to a proposed policy or amendment should be directed to the board secretary prior to the second reading. The board may invite oral statements from staff members or community members as an order of business.

When the board of directors is considering a district policy or amendment to policy that is not expressly or by implication authorized by state or federal law, but which will promote the education of kindergarten through twelfth grade students in public schools or will promote the effective, efficient or safe management and operation of the district, the proposed policy will be described in any notice of the meetings at which the policy will be considered, if the notice is issued pursuant to the Open Public Meetings Act, Ch. 42.30 RCW. The board of directors will provide an opportunity for public written and oral comment on such policies before adoption or amendment.

In the event that immediate action on a proposed policy is necessary, the motion for its adoption will provide that immediate adoption is in the best interest of the district. No further action is required. All new or amended policies will become effective upon adoption, unless a specific effective date is provided in the motion for adoption.

Policies as adopted or amended will be made a part of the minutes of the meeting at which action was taken and will also be included in the district’s policy manual.

Non-substantive editorial revisions and changes in administrative, legal and/or cross references need not be approved by the board.


Policy Manuals

The superintendent will develop and maintain a current policy manual which contains the policies of the district.

The manual is intended as both a tool for district management as well as a source of information to community members, staff and others about how the district operates. To that end, each administrator will have ready access to the manual. In addition, a manual will be available as the superintendent may determine for the use of staff, students and patrons.

All policy manuals distributed to anyone will remain the property of the district. They will be subject to recall at any time.


Administrative Procedures

The superintendent will develop such administrative procedures as are necessary to ensure consistent implementation of policies adopted by the board.

When a written procedure is developed, the superintendent will submit it to the board as an information item. Such procedures need not be approved by the board, though the board may request a revision when it appears that they are not consistent with the board’s intentions as expressed in its policies. Procedures need not be reviewed by the board prior to their issuance; however, on controversial topics, the superintendent may request prior board consultation.

Legal References:

RCW 28A.320.010 Corporate powers

RCW 28A.320.040 Bylaws for board and school government

RCW 42.30.060 Ordinances, rules, resolutions, regulations, etc., adopted at public meetings – Notice – Secret voting prohibited


Adoption Date: 12.20.99

Kiona-Benton City School District
Classification: Priority
Revised Dates: 04.23.12; 08.10.15

1320 - Suspension of Policy

Policy: 1320
Section: 1000 - Board of Directors

Suspension of a Policy

A policy of the board will be subject to suspension by a majority vote of the members present, provided all board members have received notice of the meeting and the notice included a proposal to suspend the policy and an explanation of the purpose. If such proposal is not made in writing in advance of the meeting, a policy may be suspended only by a unanimous vote of all board members present.

Legal References:

RCW 28A.320.010 Corporate powers

RCW 28A.320.040 Bylaws for board and school government


Adoption Date: 12.20.99

Kiona-Benton City School District
Classification: Discretionary
Revised Dates: 08.10.15

1330 - Administration in Absence of Policy or Procedure

Policy: 1330
Section: 1000 - Board of Directors

Administration in the Absence of Policy or Procedure

The superintendent and other staff to whom administrative or supervisory authority has been delegated will be authorized to use their best judgment in the absence of a specific policy or procedure, provided that such action will not be in conflict with the general aims and objectives of the district or with any local, state or national ordinances, statutes, regulations or directives. In the event there is doubt as to the appropriate course of action or if it is apparent that the consequences could be serious, the staff member is expected to contact the superintendent or other administrator who could provide appropriate assistance.

Whenever action in the absence of specific policy has been taken by a staff member that creates a potential for controversy or a potential for the incurring of district financial obligation, or where the situation is likely to recur frequently, then such action will be brought to the attention of the board at its next regular meeting. In situations where a reasonable person could determine that the above actions taken by a staff member should be brought to the immediate attention of the board, the superintendent will be notified and he/she will immediately consult with the board president/chairman as to the advisability of calling a special board meeting to review the staff member’s action.


Adoption Date: 12.20.99

Kiona-Benton City School District
Classification: Priority
Revised Dates: 08.10.15

1340 - Targeting Student Learning

Policy: 1340
Section: 1000 - Board of Directors

Targeting Student Learning

The Kiona – Benton City School Board of Directors recognizes that one of its key functions is holding the district accountable for student learning.  It is the board’s goal to provide opportunities for all students to become responsible and respectful global citizens who contribute to their economic well-being and that of their families and communities, who explore and understand different perspectives and who enjoy productive and satisfying lives.  To this end, the board will engage in development, implementation and annual review of a Targeting Student Learning program.



The district will strive to provide students with opportunities to develop academic and technical skills essential to meeting four goals:

  1. Read with comprehension, write with skill and communicate effectively and responsibly in a variety of ways and settings;
  2. Know and apply the core concepts and principles of mathematics, social, physical, information technology and life sciences, civics and history, geography, arts and health and fitness; as articulated by the state standards;
  3. Think analytically, logically, and creatively, and integrate experience and knowledge to form reasoned judgments and solve problems; and
  4. Understand the importance of work and how performance, effort, and decisions directly affect future career and educational opportunities.


Step One: Development and Implementation

The Board will develop and implement a Targeting Student Learning program by scheduling a review of current district policy in the following key areas relevant to student learning:

  1. Governance and Planning (includes board philosophy, strategic planning and budget planning);
  2. Academic Standards and Assessment;
  3. Education Program (includes integrated academic and applied instruction, specialized instruction programs and alternative instruction programs);
  4. Instructional Materials (includes instructional material development, content and evaluation);
  5. Instruction (includes instructional goals, delivery);
  6. Learning Environment/Climate (includes equal educational opportunities, safety and security, student welfare services, student rights and responsibilities, student activities);
  7. Professional Standards (includes teacher and other professional staff recruitment and selection, staff orientation, staff development, evaluation, superintendent recruitment and selection); and
  8. Parent/Community Engagement (includes shared decision-making, parent involvement, volunteers, and community partnerships).

Review of current district policy should include:

  • Discussion of each individual policy topic;
  • Assessing current district policy on each topic;
  • Gathering information on each topic with the assistance of students, parents, staff and/or community members; and
  • Determining the direction the Board wishes to take in updating existing policy or crafting new policy on each topic. 


Step Two: Adoption

The Board will adopt any necessary policy amendments or new policies to align with the Targeting Student Learning goals listed above.


Step Three: Assign action items

The Board will assign to itself and/or the superintendent necessary action item(s) to support the new policy language.


Step Four: Annual Review

Once the board has implemented a Targeting Student Learning program, the following timeline may be used to schedule annual review of each policy topic as well as any necessary policy amendments and action items:


Annual Review of Targeting Student Learning Program

Policy Topic

Monitoring Date

Acceptance/ Compliance

Policy Amendment(s)

Board/Supt Action

Governance & Planning

March Note: As a part of Board Self-Assessment as needed


Education Program



Academic Standards & Assessment










Parent/Community Engagement




Learning Environment




Professional Standards






Cross References:

1005 - Key Functions of the Board

1310 - Policy Adoption, Manuals and Administrative Procedures

1820 - Board Self-Assessment

2000 - Student Learning Goals

2004 - Accountability Goals

2020 - Course Design, Selection and Adoption of Instructional Materials

Legal References:

RCW 28A.150.210 Basic education — Goals of school districts.

RCW 28A.320.015 School boards of directors — Powers — Notice of adoption of policy.

Management Resources:

2015 - June Policy Issue


Adoption Date: 12.21
Classification: Discretionary
Revised Dates:

1400 - Meeting Conduct, Order of Business and Quorum

Policy: 1400
Section: 1000 - Board of Directors

Meeting Conduct, Order of Business and Quorum

Board meetings will be scheduled in compliance with the law, and as deemed by the board to be in the best interests of the district and community. The board will function through (1) regular meetings, (2) special meetings and (3) emergency meetings.


Regular Meetings

Regular meetings are held at 6:30 P.M. on the 2nd and 4th Monday of each month in the Kiona-Benton District Office Boardroom or at other times and places as determined by the presiding officer or by majority vote of the board. An agenda of business to be transacted must be posted on the district website not less than twenty-four (24) hours in advance of the published start time of the meeting, unless the district does not have a website or employs fewer than ten full-time equivalent employees. 

If regular meetings are to be held at places other than the Kiona-Benton District Office Boardroom, or are adjourned to times other than a regular meeting time, notice of the meeting will be made in the same manner as provided for special meetings. All regular meetings of the board will be held within the district boundaries. When a regular meeting date falls on a legal holiday, the meeting will be held on the next business day.


Special Meetings

Special meetings may be called by the Chair or at the request of a majority of the board members. A written notice of a special meeting, stating the time and place and purpose of the special meeting will be delivered to each board member not less than twenty-four (24) hours prior to the time of the meeting. Written notice will also be sent not less than twenty-four (24) hours prior to the meeting to each newspaper and radio or television station that has filed a written request for such notices. Written notice may be delivered personally or by mail, facsimile or electronic mail. The notice must be posted on the district's website unless the district 1) does not have a website, 2) employs fewer than ten full-time equivalent employees; or 3) does not have an employee whose job description or employment contract provides a duty to maintain or update the website. 

The district must also prominently display the notice at the main entrance of the district's headquarters as well as at the location of the meeting if the meeting is held at a location other than the headquarters.

All required notices must be delivered or posted not less than twenty-four (24) hours prior to the meeting.

The written notice requirement will be deemed waived if a member:

Submits a written waiver of notice to the board secretary at or prior to the time the meeting convenes. The waiver may be given by telegram, fax, or electronic mail; or
Is actually present at the time the meeting convenes. 

​Final disposition will not be taken on any matter other than those items stated in the meeting notice.


Emergency Meetings

In the event of an emergency involving fire, flood, earthquake, possible personal injury or property damage, the board may meet immediately and take official action without prior notification.


Public Notice

Public notice will be properly given for any special meeting; whenever a regular meeting is adjourned to another time; or, when a regular meeting is to be held at a place other than the Boardroom.

All meetings will be open to the public with the exception of executive or closed sessions authorized by law. Final action resulting from executive session discussions will be taken during a meeting open to the public as required by law.

Individuals with disabilities who may need a modification to participate in a meeting should con- tact the superintendent’s office no later than three days before a regular meeting and as soon as possible in advance of a special meeting so that special arrangements can be made.

During the interim between meetings, the office of the superintendent, as board secretary, will be the office of the board. The district’s public records will be open for inspection in the manner provided by and subject to the limitation of the law.



Three board members will be considered as constituting a quorum for the transaction of business.


Meeting Conduct and Order of Business

All board meetings will be conducted in an orderly and business-like manner using Roberts Rules of Order (Revised) as a guide, except when such rules are superseded by board bylaws or policies. The order of business will be that indicated in the agenda. Any additions or changes in the prepared agenda may be requested by the superintendent or a board member and must be approved by majority vote of the board members present. At a special meeting final action may be taken only on that business contained in the notice of the special meeting.

Board members are not required to be physically present to attend a board meeting.  Any or all board members may attend a board meeting and vote via any communication platform—including videoconference or teleconference-- that provides, at a minimum, simultaneous aural communication between those present, provided: 1) the meeting is properly noticed with any required passwords or authorization codes; 2) the meeting is accessible to the public; 3) the meeting accommodates any member of the public who wishes to participate and 4) the communication platform is generally known and accessible to the public.

The board will establish its regular order of business, but may elect to change the order by a majority vote of the members present. All votes on motions and resolutions will be by “voice” vote unless an oral roll call vote is requested by a member of the board. All votes will be approved by majority of those present and voting, unless otherwise required by law. No action will be taken by secret ballot at any meeting required to be open to the public.

An oral roll call vote of all the members of the board is required for the election of board officers, filling a vacancy on the board, or for the selection of the school district superintendent, and a majority vote of all the members of the board is required for any person to be elected or selected for such positions.


Public Comment

The board recognizes the value of public comment on educational issues and the importance of involving members of the public in its meetings. In order to permit fair and orderly expression of such comment, the board will provide a period at the beginning of the meeting during which visitors may present to the board. If possible, such presentations should be scheduled in advance.

The board will also allow individuals to express an opinion prior to board action on agenda items that the board determines require or will benefit from public comment. Written and oral comment will be accepted by the board before the adoption or amendment of policies not expressly or by implication authorized by state of federal law, but which will promote the education of kindergarten through twelfth grade students in public schools or will promote the effective, efficient or safe management and operation of the district. Individuals wishing to be heard by the board will first be recognized by the chair/president.

Individuals, after identifying themselves, will proceed to make comments within the time limits established by the board. Any representative of a firm eligible to bid on materials or services solicited by the board will also be entitled to express an opinion. The chair/president may interrupt or terminate an individual's statement when it is too lengthy, personally directed, abusive, obscene, or irrelevant. The board as a whole has the final decision in determining the appropriateness of all such rulings. 


Cross References:

1420 – Proposed Agenda and Consent Agenda

1410 - Executive or Closed Sessions

1220 - Board Officers and Duties of Board Members

Legal References:

RCW 28A.330.020 Certain board elections, manner and vote required – Selection of personnel, manner

RCW 28A.320.040 Bylaws for board and school government

RCW 28A.330.070 Office of board — Records available for public inspection

RCW 28A.343.370 Vacancies

RCW 28A.343.380 Meetings

RCW 28A.343.390 Quorum — Failure to attend meetings

RCW 42.30.030 Meetings declared open and public

RCW 42.30.050 Interruptions – Procedure  

RCW 42.30.060 Ordinances, rules, resolutions, regulations, etc., adopted at public meetings – Notice — Secret voting prohibited

RCW 42.30.070 Times and places for meetings – Emergencies - Exception

RCW 42.30.080 Special Meetings

42 U.S.C. 12101-12213 Americans with Disabilities Act

Management Resources:

2014 – June Issue

2013 – April Issue

2012 – June Issue

Policy News, June 2005 Special Meeting Notice Requirements


Adoption Date: 12.20.99

Kiona-Benton City School District
Classification: Essential
Revised Dates: 11.15; 11.21

1410 - Executive or Closed Sessions

Policy: 1410
Section: 1000 - Board of Directors

Executive or Closed Sessions

Executive Sessions

Before convening in executive session, the chair/president will publicly announce the general purpose for excluding the public from the meeting place and the time when the executive session will be concluded. The executive session may be extended to a stated later time by announcement of the chair/president.

An executive session may be conducted for one or more of the following purposes:

To consider the selection of a site or the acquisition of real estate by lease or purchase when public knowledge regarding such consideration would cause a likelihood of increased price;

To consider the minimum price at which real estate will be offered for sale or lease when public knowledge regarding such consideration would cause a likelihood of decreased price; however, the final action of selling or leasing public property will be taken in a meeting open to the public;

To review negotiations on the performance of publicly-bid contracts when public knowledge regarding such consideration would cause a likelihood of increased costs;

To receive and evaluate complaints or charges brought against a director or staff member; however, upon the request of such director or staff member, a public hearing or a meeting open to the public will be conducted on such complaint or charge;

To evaluate the qualifications of an applicant for public employment or to review the performance of a staff member; however, discussion of salaries, wages, and other conditions of employment to be generally applied within the district will occur in a meeting open to the public, and when the board elects to take the final action of hiring, setting the salary of an individual staff member or class of staff members, or discharging or disciplining an employee, that action will be taken in a meeting open to the public;

To evaluate the qualifications of a candidate for appointment to the board; however, any interview of such candidate and final action appointing a candidate to the board will be in a meeting open to the public; or

To discuss with legal counsel representing the district matters relating to district enforcement actions, or litigation or potential litigation to which the district, the board, or a member acting in an official capacity is, or is likely to become, a party, when public knowledge regarding the discussion is likely to result in an adverse legal or financial consequence to the district. Potential litigation means matters protected by attorney-client privilege related to litigation that has been specifically threatened; litigation that the district reasonably believes may be commenced; or the litigation or legal risks of a proposed action or current practice of the district, if public discussion is likely to result in an adverse or financial consequence to the district.


Closed Sessions/Private Meetings

The Open Public Meetings Act does not apply to certain board activities and public notice is not required prior to holding a closed session for any of the following purposes:

Consideration of a quasi-judicial matter between named parties, as distinguished from a matter having a general effect on the public or a class or group; or

Collective bargaining sessions with employee organizations or professional negotiations with an employee, including contract negotiations, grievance meetings, and discussions relating to the interpretation or application of a labor agreement, or that portion of a meeting in which the board is planning or adopting the strategy or position to be taken during the course of collective bargaining, professional negotiations, or grievance or mediation proceedings, or reviewing the proposals made in the negotiations or proceedings while in progress.


Legal References:

RCW 42.30.110 Executive sessions

RCW 42.30.140 Chapter controlling — Application

Management Resources: Policy News, June 2001 Legislature Addresses Executive Session


Adoption Date: 12.20.99

Kiona-Benton City School District
Classification: Discretionary
Revised Dates: 08.10.15

1420 - Proposed Agenda and Consent Agenda

Policy: 1420
Section: 1000 - Board of Directors

Proposed Agenda and Consent Agenda

Proposed Agenda

The board secretary will be responsible for preparing the proposed agenda for each meeting in consultation with the Chair. Copies of the proposed agenda, minutes of the previous meeting and relevant supplementary information will be delivered to each board member at least three (3) days in advance of the meeting and will be available to any interested citizen at the superintendent’s office twenty-four (24) hours prior to the meeting. The proposed agenda for regular and special meetings will be posted to the district website not less than twenty-four (24) hours prior to the start time of the meeting, unless the district does not have a website or has less than ten full time equivalent employees. 

At a special meeting, final action may be taken only on that business contained in the original notice of the special meeting and agenda. 


Consent Agenda

To expedite business at a school board meeting, the board approves the use of a consent agenda which includes those items considered to be routine in nature. The consent agenda will appear on the regular agenda following the approval of minutes of the previous meeting(s).

Any item which appears on the consent agenda may be removed on request by a member of the board and placed on the regular agenda. A single motion will vote the remaining items. The approved motion will be recorded in the minutes, including a listing of all items appearing on the consent agenda.

Cross References:

6215 - Voucher Certification and Approval

6020 - System of Funds and Accounts

1400 – Meeting Conduct, Order of Business and Quorum

Legal References:

SHB 2105

RCW 42.30.080

Management Resources:

2014 – June Issue

2012 – June Issue


Adoption Date: 12.20.99

Kiona-Benton City School District
Classification: Essential
Revised Dates: 08.10.15

1430 - Audience Participation

Policy: 1430
Section: 1000 - Board of Directors

Audience Participation

The board recognizes the value of public comment on educational issues and the importance of involving members of the public in its meetings. In order to permit fair and orderly expression of such comment, the board will provide a period at the beginning of the meeting during which visitors may present to the board. If possible, such presentations should be scheduled in advance.

The board will also allow individuals to express an opinion prior to board action on agenda items that the board determines require or will benefit from public comment. Written and oral comment will be accepted by the board before the adoption or amendment of policies not expressly or by implication authorized by state or federal law, but which will promote the education of kindergarten through twelfth grade students in public schools or will promote the effective, efficient or safe management and operation of the district. The Chair will first recognize individuals wishing to be heard by the board.

Individuals, after identifying themselves, will proceed to make comments within the time limits established by the board. Any representative of a firm eligible to bid on materials or services solicited by the board will also be entitled to express an opinion. The president may interrupt or terminate an individual’s statement when it is too lengthy, personally directed, abusive, obscene, or irrelevant. The board as a whole has the final decision in determining the appropriateness of all such rulings.

Individuals with disabilities who may need a modification to participate in a meeting should contact the superintendent’s office no later than three days before a regular meeting and as soon as possible in advance of a special meeting so that arrangements for the modification can be made.

Cross References: 1400 – Meeting Conduct, Order of Business and Quorum
Legal References:

RCW 42.30.030 Meetings declared open and public

RCW 42.30.050 Interruptions — Procedure

42 U.S.C. 12101-12213 Americans with Disabilities Act

Management Resources: 2012 – June Issue


Adoption Date: 12.20.99

Kiona-Benton City School District
Classification: Priority
Revised Dates: 08.10.15

1440 - Minutes

Policy: 1440
Section: 1000 - Board of Directors


The secretary of the board or his/her designee will record the minutes of all board meetings. Minutes become official after approval at the board’s next regularly scheduled meeting and must be retained as a permanent record of the district. Minutes must be comprehensive and will show:

  1. The date, time and place of the meeting;
  2. The presiding officer;
  3. Members in attendance;
  4. Items discussed during the meeting and the results of any voting that may have occurred;
  5. Action to recess for executive session with a general statement of the purpose;
  6. Time of adjournment; and
  7. Signature of presiding officer and date minutes approved.
  8. School Board minutes are to be considered comprehensive and not verbatim.

When issues are discussed that may require a detailed record, the board may direct the secretary to record the discussion. Audio or video recordings will be maintained on file as follows:

  1. If the recording is transcribed verbatim (word for word), the recording must be retained for one (1) year; or
  2. If the recording is only used as a reference to create written minutes, the recording must be retained for six (6) years.

Unofficial minutes will be delivered to board members in advance of the next regularly scheduled meeting of the board and will also be available to other interested citizens. Minutes need not be read publicly, provided that members have had an opportunity to review them before adoption.

A file of permanent minutes of all board meetings will be maintained in the District Office to be made available for inspection upon the request of any interested citizen. Except as otherwise provided by law, permanent minutes will not be destroyed until approved for destruction by the appropriate district personnel. Permanent minutes should be preserved in a manner that protects them from loss.

Cross References: 6570 – Property and Data Management
Legal References:

RCW 28A.400.030 Superintendent’s duties

RCW 40.14.070 Destruction, disposition, donation of local government records – Preservation for historical interest – Local records committee, duties – Record retention schedules – Sealed record

RCW 42.32.030 Minutes

Management Resources: 2010 – April Issue


Adoption Date: 12.20.99

Kiona-Benton City School District
Classification: Discretionary
Revised Dates: 05.29.12; 11.9.15

1450 - Absence of a Board Member

Policy: 1450
Section: 1000 - Board of Directors

Absence of a Board Member

Whenever possible each board member will give advance notice to the president or superintendent of his/her inability to attend a board meeting. A majority of the board may excuse a board member’s absence from a meeting if requested to do so.

The board may declare a board member’s position vacant after four (4) consecutive unexcused absences from regular board meetings, if the absences were for reasons other than illness, authorized by resolution of the board, or active or training military duty.

If a board member is on active duty or training status with the military, the board will grant an extended leave of absence to cover the period of service or training. The extended leave of absence may not have the effect of extending the board member’s term. The board also has the authority to appoint a temporary successor to the absent board member’s position. The temporary successor will serve until the board member returns or until the end of the board member’s term.

Cross References:

1220 – Board Officers and Duties of Board Members

1114 – Board Member Resignation and Vacancy

Legal References:

RCW 28A.343.390 Quorum — Failure to attend meetings

RCW 42.12.010 Causes of vacancy

RCW 73.16.041 Leaves of absence of elective and judicial officers

Management Resources: Policy News, October 2001 Law Grants Board Members Military Leave


Adoption Date: 12.20.99

Kiona-Benton School District
Classification: Priority
Revised Dates: 08.10.15

1610 - Conflicts of Interest

Policy: 1610
Section: 1000 - Board of Directors

Conflicts of Interest

Individual directors and the superintendent will have no pecuniary interest, directly or indirectly, in any contract, the purchase of any goods or services, or any other activity paid from school district funds, except as permitted in the following:

  1. A director, or his or her spouse or dependents, or the spouse or dependents of the superintendent may be paid no more than $200 in any calendar month for unskilled day labor;
  2. A director may be employed as a bus driver at the same compensation and on the same terms as other district bus drivers;
  3. A director may enter into non-salaried financial transactions not to exceed $1,500 in any calendar month. The district will maintain a list of all contracts covered under this paragraph and the list will be available for public inspection and copying;
  4. A school director may be designated as district clerk and/or purchasing agent;
  5. The spouse of a director or the superintendent may be employed as a substitute teacher on the same terms and at the same compensation as other substitute teachers in the district, if the following conditions are met: the superintendent finds that the number of qualified substitute teachers in the school district is insufficient to meet anticipated needs for short-term and one-day substitute teachers; and the superintendent ensures that assignments of substitute teachers to available positions is done in a fair and impartial manner;
  6. In school districts with fewer than 200 FTE students, the board may employ the spouse of a director or the superintendent as a certificated or classified staff member; or

A director may not vote on the authorization, approval or ratification of a contract in which he or she is beneficially interested and to which one of the exemptions described above applies.

Prior to approval of the employment of the spouse of a school director or the superintendent, the board of directors will be advised of the number of other individuals who are qualified for and interested in the position(s) to be filled. The district will not discriminate in any way against any applicant for a certificated position or any certificated employee on the basis of a family relationship with a school director or the superintendent. All employment decisions will be made on the basis of choosing the applicant which furthers the best interests of the school district.

If a person is employed by the district under contract as a classified or certificated employee before his or her spouse becomes a director or superintendent, the contract can be renewed for further employment, provided that the terms of the contract are commensurate with the pay plan or collective bargaining agreement operating in the district for that position.

Whenever a director, or his or her spouse or dependent is employed by the district, the director will refrain from participating in or attempting to influence any board action affecting the employment status of the director, spouse or dependent. Actions affecting employment status include, but are not limited to, hiring, establishing compensation and fringe benefits, setting working conditions, conducting performance evaluations, considering or imposing discipline and termination.

The superintendent will maintain a log of any contract subject to this policy and annually, or when a new director assumes office, will inform the board of the existence of all such contracts.


Cross References: 6230 – Relations with Vendors
Legal References:

RCW 28A.330.240 Employment contracts

RCW 28A.405.250 Certificated employees, applicants for certificated position, not to be discriminated against –Right to inspect personnel file

RCW 28A.635.050 Certain corrupt practices of school officials Penalty

RCW 42.23.030 Interest in Contracts Prohibited

RCW 42.23.040 Remote interests

Management Resources:

2011 – December Issue

Policy News, April 2006 Conflict of Interest


Adoption Date: 12.20.99

Kiona-Benton City School District
Classification: Priority
Revised Dates: 08.10.15

1620 - Board-Superintendent Relations and Board-Staff Communications

Policy: 1620
Section: 1000 - Board of Directors

The Board-Superintendent Relationship

The successful operation of schools requires a close, effective working relationship between the board and the superintendent. The relationship must be one of trust, goodwill and candor. As the legally designated governing body, the board retains final authority within the district. The board exercises powers expressly required and implied by law. The superintendent is the board’s professional advisor, to whom the board delegates executive responsibility, including such powers as may be required to manage the district in a manner consistent with board policy and state and federal law.

The superintendent, as an executive officer of the board (secretary), is responsible for the administration of the schools under applicable laws and policies of the district. The board delineates the duties of the superintendent and uses them as the basis for evaluating the superintendent’s performance. Unless specifically limited, the superintendent may delegate to other staff the exercise of any powers and the discharge of any duties imposed by district policy or a vote of the board. The delegation of power or duty does not relieve the superintendent of responsibility for the actions taken under such a delegation.

In order to perform their responsibilities, board members must be familiar with the operations within the schools. The superintendent will establish communication procedures which can enhance the board member’s understanding of student programs and school operations.

Legal References:

RCW 28A.320.010 Corporate powers

RCW 28A.330.050 Duties of superintendent as secretary of the board

RCW 28A.330.100 Additional powers of the board (First Class Districts Only)

RCW 28A.400.010 Employment of superintendent — Superintendent’s qualifications, general powers, term, contract renewal

RCW 28A.400.030 Superintendent’s duties

Management Resources: 2013 – February Issue


Adoption Date: 12.20.99

Kiona-Benton City School District
Classification: Discretionary
Revised Dates: 04.23.12; 08.10.15

1630 - Evaluation of Superintendent

Policy: 1630
Section: 1000 - Board of Directors

Evaluation of the Superintendent

The board will establish evaluative criteria and will be responsible for evaluating the performance of the superintendent as provided by statute.

The superintendent will have the opportunity for confidential conferences with the board members on no less than three occasions in each year, the purpose of which will be aiding the superintendent in his/her performance. The board, on the basis of the evaluation, may terminate, renew or extend the superintendent’s contract for periods not to exceed three years.

Legal References: RCW 28A.400.010 Employment of superintendent – Superintendent’s qualifications, general powers, term, contract renewal


Adoption Date: 12.20.99

Kiona-Benton City School District
Classification: Essential
Revised Dates: 08.10.15

1731 - Board Member Expenses

Policy: 1731
Section: 1000 - Board of Directors

Board Member Expenses

The actual expenses of board members while traveling to and from and attending board meetings may be paid. Board members will use discretion in accruing actual expenses for which they will seek reimbursement. The expenses of board members who attend conferences or meetings as representatives of the district may be paid. Such expenses for conferences may be paid in advance. A director may be reimbursed for gratuities not exceeding customary percentages for the cost of meals as well as reasonable amounts for services such as baggage handling when the costs are incurred while the individual is engaged in district business or other approved travel.


Cross References:

6213 - Reimbursement for Travel Expenses

6212 – Charge Cards

Legal References:

RCW 28A.320.050 Reimbursement of expenses of directors, other school representatives, and superintendent candidates — Advancing anticipated expenses

RCW 43.03.170 Advance payment of travel expenses - Advance warrants — Issuance — Limitations

Management Resources: 2013 – February Issue


Adoption Date: 12.20.99

Kiona Benton City School District
Classification: Discretionary
Revised Dates: 04.23.12; 08.10.15

1732 - Board Member Insurance

Policy: 1732
Section: 1000 - Board of Directors

Board Member Insurance

The district will maintain sufficient insurance to protect the board and its individual members against liability arising from actions of the board or its individual members while each is acting on behalf of the district and within his/her authority as a board member.

An individual board member may participate at his/her own cost in any of the personal liability, life, health, health care, accident, disability, salary protection or other form of insurance made available to district staff if plan sponsors permit such participation.

Cross References: 6530 - Insurance
Legal References:

RCW 4.24.470 Liability of officials and members of governing body of public agency — Definitions

RCW 4.96.010 Tortious conduct of local government entities — Liability for damage

RCW 28A.400.350 Liability, life, health, health care, accident, disability, and salary insurance authorized — Health savings accounts — Premiums — Noncompliance

RCW 28A.400.360 Liability insurance for officials and employees authorized

RCW 28A.320.060 Officers, employees or agents of school districts or educational service districts, insurance to protect and hold personally harmless


Adoption Date: 12.20.99

Kiona-Benton City School District
Classification: Discretionary
Revised Dates: 08.10.15

1733 - Board Member Compensation

Policy: 1733
Section: 1000 - Board of Directors

Board Member Compensation

If authorized by board resolution, at a regularly scheduled meeting, each board member may receive compensation of fifty dollars per day or portion thereof for attending board meetings and for performing other services on behalf of the school district, not to exceed four thousand eight hundred dollars per year. Such compensation will come from locally collected excess levy funds available for that purpose, and will not cause the state to incur any present or future funding obligation.

Any board member may waive all or any portion of his/her compensation for any month or months during his/her term of office, by a written waiver filed with the district. The waiver may be filed any time after the director’s election and before the date on which the compensation would otherwise be paid. The waiver will specify the month or period of months for which it is made.

Since the directors of a school district are municipal officers who fix their own compensation, they may not increase their own compensation during their current terms of office pursuant to Article 30, Section 1, and Article 11, Section 8 of the State Constitution.

The compensation provided in this section will be in addition to any reimbursement for expenses paid to such directors by the school district.

Legal References: RCW 28A.343.400 Compensation — Waiver


Adoption Date: 12.20.99

Kiona-Benton City School District
Classification: Priority
Revised Dates: 08.10.15

1822 - Training and Development for Board Members

Policy: 1822
Section: 1000 - Board of Directors

Training and Development for Board Members

 In keeping with the need for continuing training and development to enhance effective boardsmanship, the board encourages the participation of its members at appropriate board conferences, workshops and conventions. Funds for participation at such meetings will be budgeted for on an annual basis.

Cross References:

1820 - Board Self-Assessment

1810 - Annual Governance Goals and Objectives

1731 – Board Member Expenses

1005 - Key Functions of the Board


Adoption Date: 12.20.99

Kiona-Benton City School District
Classification: Discretionary
Revised Dates: 08.10.15

1830 - Participation in School Board's Association

Policy: 1830
Section: 1000 - Board of Directors

Participation in School Boards' Association

As required by law, the board members are members of the Washington State School Directors’ Association. Since the Association establishes the rate of membership dues at its annual meeting, provides model policies and other services in response to members’ needs and develops and implements a legislative program at the direction of its members, board members are encouraged to participate in the governance of the association.

Legal References: RCW 28A.345.020 Membership


Adoption Date: 12.20.99

Kiona-Benton City School District
Classification: Optional
Revised Dates: 08.10.15