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Middle School Athletic/Activity Code

Kiona-Benton Middle School Athletic/Activity Code

“Your choices will determine your success”

Athletics/activities are considered an integral part of the total education program at Kiona-Benton Middle School. The middle school athletic code will apply to all participants taking part in any activity. Those participating in school activities must meet academic requirements, display proper citizenship and sportsmanship while conducting themselves with high moral character and a loyalty to the program. It is always important for students and student athletes to conduct themselves in an appropriate manner. Goals of our school athletic and activity programs include:

  1. To encourage the greatest possible number of students to take part in interscholastic activities.
  2. To promote health and physical development.
  3. To teach leadership, decision-making, individual initiative and good judgment.
  4. To provide a wide variety of activities.
  5. To promote good sportsmanship, healthful living, good citizenship and fun.
  6. To develop school spirit through a commitment toward excellence in activities.
  7. To develop a high degree of team and individual skill.
  8. To encourage mature and responsible actions.
  • The following are a list of athletic programs identified at Kiona-Benton Middle School:

    • Football
    • Volleyball
    • Basketball (Girls and Boys)
    • Wrestling
    • Track and Field (Girls and Boys)
    • Baseball
    • Softball
    • Soccer (Girls and Boys)
    • Cross country (which is done in conjunction with the high school)
    • Managers for all sports
    1. Associated Student Body Officers
    2. Music Clubs/Activities
    3. CAVE Activities
    4. Dances (issues related to dances will be handled using the school discipline policy)
    5. End of the year celebrations
    6. Any clubs/activities organized or designated by school staff
    7. Field trips
  • Any student attending Kiona-Benton Middle School in grades sixth through eighth is allowed to participate in a non-athletic activity program unless otherwise noted by building staff.  

    Please note: Athletics is only open to students in grades seven and eight.

  • All participants prior to turning out for a sport/activity or being issued any equipment must complete the following:

    1. Physical exam by a licensed medical authority within the last two calendar years.
    2. Any needed documentation for a school activity.
    3. School insurance or an insurance waiver.
    4. Emergency information form.
    5. Current ASB card.
    6. Completion of any Final Forms documentation for parents/students.
    7. Individual team policy.
    8. Payment of any owed fees
    9. Concussion form
    10. Athletic code forms

    Documents for athletic participation will be completed online using the Final Forms website.

  • Grade checks will be conducted bi-weekly, with the exception of the start of each quarter. Students will have two weeks between the start of each quarter and the first grade check. Student athletes are ineligible for any competition if they have two or more F grades during a weekly grade check. Students may be eligible for participation during the week by raising one of their F grades.

    Per Washington Interscholastic Activities Association (WIAA) rules, students with two or more Fs at the end of a quarter are not eligible to participate in an athletic contest for three weeks.

    Students participating in an activity at Kiona-Benton Middle School will not be allowed to take part in an event if they are failing two or more classes.

  • Students are expected to meet academic standards. Coaches/advisors will be required to hold a minimum of two days of tutoring each week for students for 30 minutes before practice. This will be done regardless of the grade status of the team members. Coaches may hold a study hall as they deem necessary for a maximum of 30 minutes daily.

  • For any contest held on a school day, student athletes must be in attendance the entire school day to participate. In the case of a practice held on school days, the participant must fill out a clearance form (available in the office) and have it signed by the Principal, Assistant Principal or Athletic Director, in order to practice after an absence. This form is to be given to the coach.

  • Any student participating in an activity at Kiona-Benton Middle School will be expected to conduct themselves appropriately at all times. Appropriate behavior is the expectations set forth by the school. Any student found to be conducting themselves in an inappropriate manner will not be allowed to participate in any sort of school-related activity. Behavior will be monitored by staff and communicated with the appropriate individuals.

    1. School equipment is to be used or worn only while participating in practice or during a scheduled contest or with the approval of the Principal, Assistant Principal or Athletic Director. It is not to be used or worn in P.E. classes or for personal use.
    2. Participants are financially responsible for all school equipment issued to them. The participant is expected to keep the equipment in good condition.
    3. Equipment is to be returned to the coach/advisor immediately after the conclusion of the season or when the participant withdraws from an activity.
    4. Financial obligations resulting from the loss or damage to any school materials must be cleared prior to the beginning of any subsequent activity by the participant.
  • Participating in a sports program/activity is a commitment. When students become part of an activity, they are making a commitment to those involved with the various programs. Students are expected to complete their commitment to an activity/program. Upon choosing to quit a sports program, club or other school activity, a meeting will be arranged between the parent, student and building staff to find out why the commitment is not being met. The idea is to emphasize the importance of honoring a commitment that is made to an activity/program.

  • A participant must have approval of the athletic director and head coach to change a sport during any season.

    1. When transportation is provided by the school district, the participant is expected to travel to and from contests in the vehicle provided. Only on the approval of the coach will a participant be allowed to leave with his/her parents/guardian. Any other situations where other travel arrangements must be made will need to have a pre-arranged travel form filled out and approved by building administration.  
    2. Participants will remain with the team and under the supervision of coaches, advisors and/or chaperones when attending contests/events out of district.
    3. Participants are subject to the bus regulations set forth by the Kiona-Benton School District. Violators will be subject to loss of any bus privileges.
  • Every athletic/activity program will have a dress code students are expected to follow. Students who do not follow the dress code will not be allowed to participate in an event.

  • This section deals with various violations for students participating in sports. Students participating in activities will be subject to discipline policies as outlined by school administration and other district policies.

    Consequences of Violations:

    Participants committing violations during a season are also subject to disciplinary action. A student who becomes ineligible due to an athletic code violation must remain on the team and continue as a team member. In order for a suspension to count, the student must complete a sports season.

    Criminal Acts and Tobacco

    First Violation:

    The participant must practice, but may not suit-up or participate as a squad member in interscholastic competition for 20 percent of the sport season. The suspension from competition begins after participants are eligible for that particular sports season. Any remaining suspension to be served will be carried over to the participant’s next sports season.

    Second Violation:

    The participant must practice, but may not suit-up or participate as a squad member in interscholastic competition for 50 percent of the sport season.  The suspension from competition begins after participants are eligible for that particular sports season. Any remaining suspension to be served will be carried over to the participant’s next sports season.

    Third Violation:

    Suspension from all activity participation for one calendar year.

    Fourth Violation:

    For the fourth violation, the participant will be dismissed from all athletic participation for the remainder of the participant’s middle school athletic career.

    Alcohol and Unauthorized Drugs:

    Kiona-Benton Middle School takes very seriously the use of alcohol and any kind of drugs by student/student athletes seriously.

    First Violation:
    1. A participant shall be immediately ineligible for interscholastic competition unless the student athlete accesses a drug and alcohol counseling program.
    2. In order to be eligible to participate in the next interscholastic sports season, the student athlete shall meet with the school eligibility board, which consists of coaches and administrators as selected by the building administration. The eligibility board will recommend to the principal appropriate actions to be taken in the student athlete’s case. The principal shall have the final authority as to the student’s participation in any school program.
    3. A participant who seeks and receives help for substance abuse issues shall be given the opportunity for assistance through school and/or community agencies. In no instance shall participants in a school and/or community approved assistance program excuse a student from subsequent compliance with this regulation. However, successful completion of a program by the participant may allow him/her to be eligible for interscholastic participation. Any reinstatement is subject to recommendations from the eligibility board and principal. Students will be expected to serve a minimum suspension of 20 percent of the season for the violation.
    4. Participants found in violation of this portion of the athletic/activities code who do not utilize a substance abuse program will, in addition, serve a suspension of 20 percent of their next season.
    Second Violation:
    1. For the second substance abuse violation in a student middle school athletic career, the participant will be suspended from all athletic participation for a period of one calendar year.
    2. For alcohol violations, an assessment at the athlete’s expense will be required. The student athlete will not be reinstated until the drug/alcohol assessment is completed and recommendations from the assessment are made.
    3. For drug use, the student is ineligible for one calendar year. Appeals will follow the Washington Interscholastic Activities Association (WIAA) guidelines.
    Third Violation:


    Student athletes receiving a third violation will be dismissed from athletic participation for the remainder of their middle school careers.

    Procedural Action:

    Parents and law enforcement will be notified if a student athlete is possessing, using, selling, under the influence or showing evidence of having used any alcohol or drugs.

    Due Process:

    Student athletes have the right to appeal at the building level any consequences from violations of the athletic code. The appeal process will begin with the athletic director, who will inform those involved of the steps taking place next.

  • For any issues occurring not covered by the athletic code, building administration will work with participants and their families to address accordingly.

  • NOTE: This section is signed done as an online form.

    I verify as follows:

    • I have carefully read the Kiona-Benton City Middle School Athletic and Activities Code.
    • I understand my participation in any such programs is not a right of mine but instead is a privilege.
    • I agree to be bound by the terms of the code for all programs in which I may participate during the school/calendar year.
    • I understand that if a provision of the student handbook is different or inconsistent with the provisions of this code, the provisions of this code will override the student handbook.


Kiona-Benton Middle School Cub Pride



  • BE DISCIPLINED, Know what has to be done, Know when is has to be done, Do it as well as it can be done all the time
  • BE COACHABLE, Listen and ask questions, Work at getting better each day, Accept your role
  • PREPARE TO WIN, Focus (It starts at practice), Know your opponent, be a competitor-compete every play


  • Have proper practice gear
  • Unexcused absences will not be tolerated


  • Be in class and on time everyday
  • Follow all student conduct codes and individual teacher’s rules
  • In middle school, you can only fail two of your classes to be eligible to participate.


  • Can we trust you?
  • Are you committed?
  • Does the team come first?


  • Do what is right.
  • Do your best.
  • Treat others right.


You are representing your community, your school, your family and yourself.




  1. Be positive with your child; let him/her know they are accomplishing something by simply being part of the team.  Do not put him/her down.
  2. Do not offer excuses for your child if he/she is not playing.  There is usually a reason for it.  Encourage him/her to work hard and do his/her best.
  3. Do not put down his/her coaches, etc.  Remember the coach represents the “Boss”, the “Authority”, the “Parent”, the “Teacher”, the “Law”, etc.  If you are constantly bad mouthing your child’s coaches, how can you expect the child to play for his/her coach?  You are teaching your child to be a complainer, not a doer.
  4. Encourage your son/daughter to follow the team rules.  Whether he/she is a first stringer or a seventh stringer, players must follow rules pertaining to curfew, drinking, smoking, promptness, and school.
    Sports can be very demanding and coaches must concern themselves with a player’s off the field activities in order to get the maximum physical and mental performance out of their players.
  5. Insist on good grades.  Check the number of hours your child spends on homework.  It is the duty of the parents to see that their son/daughter is working in the classroom.  (No matter how good a player he/she is, if he/she does not have good grades they will not get into a four year college.)
  6. Do not develop envy toward other players because you do not like their parents, etc.  Do not try to live your live vicariously through your child.  Sports are kids’ games -- let them play.
    Do not show any animosity or jealousy to any of your son’s/daughter’s teammates because they get better stats or get a write up in the paper.  This type of envy rubs off on your child and it can devastate a team.  No one should care who scores, etc. as long as everyone does their job to the fullest.