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District Communications

District Communication Platforms

  • Newsletters
    • e-Newsletters from our schools
  • Social Media
  • FlashAlert Emergency Alerts
  • ParentSquare (Automated Phone & Email System)
    • An automated phone and email system is used by the school buildings and district office to keep parents and students informed of upcoming events, attendance, and emergency notifications. Please keep your contact information updated in the district’s PowerSchool system to ensure accurate and timely notifications. Please contact your student's school office to assure we have the most updated information for your family.

Distribution of Outside Materials in Schools

School and community organizations interested in having flyers and other materials distributed directly to Kiona-Benton students and families must follow these requirements:

  • Materials must be submitted:
    1. in an original Microsoft Word or PDF format (scanned files/documents will not be accepted);
    2. to Heidi Chapman at the district office via email at; and,
    3. in both English and Spanish. (The district will not translate materials submitted.)
  • Once approved by the District Office, the requesting organization must print and deliver enough copies* to the Kiona-Benton District Office. (The district will not print copies of materials submitted.)
  • Do not send or submit flyers/materials directly to school offices or staff members. All flyers are required to be approved by the district office.  
  • Flyer distribution is available from the first day of school through the last day of school. The district does not accept or process submissions during scheduled school breaks, including summer, winter, and spring.

Your Materials MUST:

  • Have a social, recreational, or educational value to the children served in the Kiona-Benton City School District. 
  • Be screened for the appropriate content.
  • Prominently display contact information and other important information, such as date, time, location, details, sponsoring organization.
  • Be consistent with the district’s goals and policies.
  • Contain the statement: “This activity is not sponsored or endorsed by the Ki-Be School District”.

Your Materials CANNOT:

  • Advocate or promote the violation of existing laws, regulations, ordinances, or official school policy, rules, or regulations.
  • Promote or oppose any political candidate or ballot proposition; or inhibit the functioning of any school or school program.
  • Contain language that is intimidating, demeaning, harassing, or threatening based on race, religion, color, national origin or ancestry, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, disability, marital or veteran status, including, but not limited to, racial, sexual, or ethnic slurs.

* Required Quantities:

Those requesting to have materials distributed must print and deliver enough copies to reach students in our school buildings accordingly:

  • ECEAP Preschool, and Elementary School (ages 3 through grade 5) = 700
  • Middle School (6th-8th grade) = 200
  • High School (9th-12th grade) = 200