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Dyslexia Screening

Dyslexia refers to a pattern of specific learning difficulties that mainly affect the development of reading and spelling skills.  Research has shown that the earlier children at risk of Dyslexia are identified the better their needs can be met.  Our goal is to identify students who may have characteristics of Dyslexia and provide the support they need as early as possible to ensure that they reach and stay at grade level. The District is not able to formally diagnose Dyslexia, and we encourage you to take your child to an eye doctor for further evaluation.  If you have any further questions, you can contact our District Assessment Coordinator Joni Ashley at 588-2076 or Principal Lisa Upton at 588-2090. 

According to Washington State Code RCW 320.260 schools are required to screen students in kindergarten through 2nd grade for signs of Dyslexia and provide reading support for those students who need it.  The state created a list of screening tests the school districts could use, and Kiona-Benton School District has used the following state approved screeners:  The University of Oregon DIBLES tests (K-2); The RAN/RAS Rapid Automatized Naming and Rapid Alternating Stimulus Tests (K-2); and the NWEA Map test (2nd grade). 

While these are NOT comprehensive Dyslexia assessments designed to diagnose children with Dyslexia, the screening assessments are designed to identify the areas of concern and components of reading that may suggest characteristics of Dyslexia.

  • Results from the screening assessments may indicate a child's difficulty in one or more of the following areas:
  • Phonological and phonemic awareness (rhyming, syllabication, manipulation)
  • Sound symbol recognition (letter sounds)
  • Alphabet knowledge (letter identification)
  • Decoding skills (reading)
  • Encoding skills (spelling)
  • Rapid naming (letter, color, object naming)