The Highly Capable (HiCap) program is a full inclusion model at the elementary level. This means students are serviced in their regular classrooms. For each identified student, a student learning plan (SLP) is developed at the beginning of each school year and is revisited during each conference. The purpose of the SLP is to ensure identified children receive the services necessary to facilitate academic growth.
From November 4-15, 2024, students in 2nd and 5th grade will take the Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT).
About the CogAT
The CogAT helps determine how students are performing on nationwide standards. The CogAT measures students learned reasoning abilities in three areas that closely relate to success in school: verbal reasoning, quantitative reasoning, and nonverbal reasoning.
The tests help teachers identify a student’s strengths and areas that may need additional emphasis. Each test includes sample questions to help students become familiar with the content and format of the tests. Samples help students understand what to do—how to mark answers and move from question to question. This year the test is computerized and will be administered in their classroom.
How Your Child Can Prepare for Test Taking—And What You Can Do to Help
A student who is well rested and well fed and has a positive attitude about testing is best prepared for testing. You can help your child do his or her best by considering these tips:
Score Reporting and How We Use Test Results
The school will receive the test scores as soon as testing is completed. These scores will indicate how your child performed on the tests compared with students across the nation in the same grade.
Thank you very much for encouraging and supporting your child during testing. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Jennifer Gilliland, District Assessment Coordinator, at 509-588-2101 or via email at