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Highly Capable Program


The aim of the Highly Capable Program at Kiona-Benton City School District is to offer students opportunities to attain a deeper level of knowledge and realize their full potential as scholars. Our focus is on delivering tailored services to meet individual student needs and abilities, fostering learning habits that will enhance student success in school, college, career, and life.

The Kiona-Benton City School District is committed to integrating culturally responsive and inclusive practices. The Highly Capable Program supports this vision by acknowledging the individual learning styles of each student and valuing learner diversity as a strength that enriches our classroom environments.


In Washington State, WAC 392-170-035, Highly Capable students are defined as "…students who perform or who show potential for performing at significantly advanced academic levels when compared with others of their age, experiences, or environments." Outstanding abilities are often observed in specific academic performance, creativity, and general intellect.

Washington State, WAC 392-170-036, further defines learning characterstics to mean “…a highly capable students who may demonstrate various learning characteristics, including:

  1. Ability to learn deeply, retain knowledge, and apply it to unfamiliar scenarios.
  2. Readiness to handle higher levels of complexity and abstraction earlier than their peers.
  3. Creative skills to form unique connections between ideas and concepts.
  4. Quick learning within their areas of intellectual expertise.
  5. Capability for intense concentration and focus.” 

Kiona-Benton City School District’s schools have a variety of programs and models for students who have been identified as highly capable at no cost to families. 

RCW 28A.185.050 - Beginning November 1, 2023, and annually thereafter, the superintendent of public instruction must make data publicly available that includes a comparison of the race, ethnicity, and low-income status of highly capable students compared to the same demographic groups in the general student population of each school district. Reporting must also include comparisons for students who are English language learners, have an individualized education program, have a 504 plan, are covered by provisions of the McKinney-Vento homeless assistance act, or are highly mobile.” OSPI

WAC 392-170-055 – Assessment process for selection as highly capable student.

(1) The superintendent of public instruction must require school districts to have identification procedures for their highly capable programs that are clearly stated and implemented by school districts using the following criteria:

(a) Districts must use multiple objective criteria to identify students who are among the most highly capable. Multiple pathways for qualifications must be available and no single criterion may disqualify a student from identification;

(b) Highly capable selection decisions must be based on consideration of criteria benchmarked on local norms, but local norms may not be used as a more restrictive criteria than national norms;

(c) Subjective measures such as teacher recommendations or report card grades may not be used to screen out a student from assessment. These data points may be used alongside other criteria during selection to support identification, but may not be used to disqualify a student from being identified; and

(d) To the extent practicable, screening and assessments must be given in the native language of the student. If native language screening and assessments are not available, a nonverbal screening and assessment must be used.

(2) Students referred for selection as a highly capable student, unless eliminated through screening as provided in WAC 392-170-045, shall be assessed by qualified district personnel;

(3) There is no single prescribed method for identification of students among the most highly capable;

(4) Districts shall have a clearly defined and written assessment process; and

(5) Consistent with RCW 28A.185.020, district practices for identifying the most highly capable students must prioritize equitable identification of low-income students.

Notice to Parents of Right to Appeal:

If for any reason, it is determined that a child does not qualify for the Highly Capable program, the parent has the right to appeal in writing to the School District Highly Capable Program Director (Jennifer Gilliland, Kiona-Benton City School District, 1105 Dale Ave., Benton City, WA  99320) and schedule an appointment with her to discuss the concerns. She in turn will forward that information to the selection committee to re-evaluate their decision. If the parent is not satisfied with the determination of the committee, they may request an appointment with the School Principal to discuss the concern. If a satisfactory resolution cannot be reached at that point, the parent may appeal the decision to the School District Superintendent who will meet with them to discuss the issue.

Highly Capable Program 
Attn: Jennifer Gilliland, District Assessment & HiCap Coordinator
Kiona-Benton City School District
1105 Dale Ave
Benton City, WA  99320